Sunday, May 24, 2009

Prevent Hair Loss in Men

. Sunday, May 24, 2009

What Causes Hair Loss In?

Culprit which causes Hair Loss

DHT (dihydrotestostrone) is derived from the male hormone androgen, testosterone. As the androgen circulates through the blood, some is converted to DHT by enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Happy DHT binding to hair follicle receptors, causing hair follicles to grow thinner and thinner until they become Vellus hair (very thin, smooth and short). After a time of growth is not going to happen and become a sleeping bag, and even said that the bag really will be lost.
Phases of growth Normal Hair Head of hair will usually be through the three stages of growth are as follows:

Anagen - This is the stage of growth and will last for two to six years, 90% of hair is usually in this stage of growth.

Catagen - This is a temporary phase for several weeks, this is where the hair becomes thinner and the bag will begin to recede

Telogen - The thin hair will fall out to make way for new hair, this phase will take approximately two to four weeks.

Of what type of product that you can Help Prevent Hair Loss?.

In my opinion a product that provides two-fold plan of treatment will be most effective. Must contain the first solution that can be applied topically to the head that contains Minoxidil, the material approved by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drugs Administration) and clinically proven to slow / halt hair loss and even re-grow hair! Minoxidil action on the hair follicle to help prevent binding of DHT that eliminating the constricting effect of DHT. Ideally must contain 5% concentration of Minoxidil as opposed to the usual 2% found in most hair loss products.

Both products are also effective with the victim must come daily tablet regime superior nutritive material that will help to strengthen and thicken your hair and provide important food for the head.

All vitamins and minerals that have a positive thought to the health of hair and scalp health, and indeed the entire body! Prevent Hair Loss in Men


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