Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Healthy and Food

. Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When we are eating, do we ever think about the function of food for use? We eat because we are hungry. But, have we throught further of the advantage of food? Delicious food is not always good for your body. What we need is nutritious food to give us a healthy body.

The benefical effect of certain foods on our health and well-being are becoming increasingly recognized worldwide. The world nutrition is derived from the Latin word nutrire, meaning nourish. While the food and drink that we consume give use immense pleasure, they main function is to provide the body with nourishment.

People and their culture play big role in determining various kinds of food. Most people in Asia use rice as their staple food. In Europe the common staple foods are wheat (made into bread), potatoes, and meat. The Japanese like fish very much. Russians love caviar. How about people in Indonesia? We have four staple food : rice, corn, sago, and tuber like cassava and sweet potatoes. However, most Indonesians now eat rice as their staple food.

Differences cultures offer different typical tastes of food. For example, South Asia food is famous for its spicy taste, Latin American for its hot food, and Japanese for its nutritious quality. The climate that determines the nature of the land and the people's tastes accounts for these differences.

With the development and progress of civilization, however, the distribution of food varieties has spread and globalized. For instance, in our country, we can also find the typical food of other countries such as Chinese, Japanese and some western countries. Likewise, Indonesian food can be easilyb found in other countries like Saudi Arabia, Australia, and even the United States.

Nowadays, there is a growing interest by the global society in fast food. This term is reffered to fast served food such as fried chicken, donuts, and pizzas. The increasing number of fast food restaurants can be observed in almost everywhere, including in our country, Indonesia. But this trend apparently cannot put aside the existence of the traditional food restaurants that offer traditional food.


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