Monday, June 22, 2009

Five Facts on Indonesia's Jusuf Kalla

. Monday, June 22, 2009

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla will run against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and former President Megawati Sukarnoputri in an election on July 8.

The poll line-up was finalised after a deadline to register expired on Saturday and Kalla, whose running mate is former general Wiranto, is currently lagging in the polls.

Here are five facts about Kalla:

- Kalla, 67, was born in South Sulawesi and is from a successful business family with interests ranging from construction to real estate. His family still runs heavy industry and manufacturing firm Bukaka Teknik Utama. In 2007, Globe Asia estimated his wealth to be $125 million.

- In 1999, Kalla served as trade minister under President Abdurrahman Wahid, but was fired over corruption allegations. Kalla denied the charges and challenged Wahid to produce evidence. In 2002, President Megawati Sukarnoputri appointed him welfare minister, but in 2004 Kalla contested and won the vice presidency after teaming up with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

- A seasoned politician, Kalla became chair of Golkar, former President Suharto's political machine, in 2004 after a bruising internal battle. Known to be decisive and unwavering, he is also a good political networker and helped to drive through parliament some unpopular government polices. But his outspoken nature has meant his relationship with Yudhoyono soured during the administration.

- Kalla is regarded as a skilled negotiator credited with helping end religious bloodshed in Poso, Central Sulawesi, and negotiating peace to conflicts in Ambon, Maluku and North Sumatra's Aceh province. But he has at times appeared frustrated that Yudhoyono often received more credit for the peace deals.

- His personal approval rating languishes at about 2 percent, while Kalla's diminutive physique, distinctive moustache and formidable wealth make him an easy target for satirists. The fact he is not Javanese is also seen as a drag on his presidential ambitions, which if they fail could leave him vulnerable to a Golkar leadership challenge later this year


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